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Staycation: why is Santa Marta the best destination for this trend


As you may know, Covid-19 changed tourism business and its trends once and forever: quick-changing travel restrictions, shady refund policies in case of flight cancellations, uncertainty, borders that get unexpectedly closed may scare even the most experienced travellers.

On the other hand, smart working allowed to spend even months nearly anywhere in the world, making countries with a low cost of living very attractive for longer stays. Once you pay attention to time differences, it’s actually sufficient to have a decent internet connection.

In this context, the concept of Staycation started to get a different meaning. So pick a country, select a city with a lot to discover just around, and simply rent an apartment for a month: it’s probably cheaper than living a couple of months back home.

Sounds like a description of our beautiful city, Santa Marta, northern Colombia. Let’s discover why it’s probably the best destination for your next smart working Staycation.

1) Cost of life: far from being the cheapest city in the country, Santa Marta offers complete apartments for as low as 25 USD per day in AirBnB, and way cheaper directly talking to local owners. Pick a hostel for a couple of nights, have a walk around and just ask, you will not get disappointed.

2) Variety: Santa Marta is the best starting point to visit incredible natural attractions such as Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and Tayrona Park; jungle, beaches, rivers, waterfalls are just 15 minutes to 1 hour away from any part of the city you pick. Cozy nightlife, organic coffee, crafted beer, music, great food, local culture, trekking, sailing, diving, birdwatching….

3) People: the Caribbean coast of Colombia is well-known for how warm and friendly locals are. If you give Santa Marta a chance, you will quickly learn costeño slang, get to be part of your neighbourhood, and feel a real local experience, something that will be difficult to live in a bigger city.

If you get the chance to have at least 4 spare days, you could also discover the ancient Lost City: nature, archaeology, native cultures and traditions.

What are you waiting for? Santa Marta, the best spot for your 2022 Staycation.